For the past couple of years, my oldest son has really struggled with math. He has had a very difficult time and we had basically been stuck on multiplication for over a year. He just couldn’t grasp the concept behind it and it had reached the point that we were both dreading math. In comes Math-U-See.

We received the Math-U-See Gamma Universal Set and a 12-month subscription to their Digital Pack that includes:
• Access to the Gamma streaming instructions videos
• Instruction manual PDF
• Test solutions &lessons
• Skip count song
• Worksheet generator
• MP3 and song book PDFs
• Online drill
• Record keeping sheets
• Digital manipulatives
I’m not going to lie. I am pretty old fashion and love holding a book in my hand. I’m probably one of the very few people who still hasn’t switched over to digital completely. However, my boys aren’t like that all. They prefer digital versions and when it comes to homeschooling, I have been leaning more in that direction as well. It makes it so much easier when it comes to daily work and it also makes it easier to take our work on the road. No need to pull out tons of books and manipulatives when they can access it all online. Let’s just say that since slowly converting more things to digital, my sanity is coming back!
What do we love about the Digital Pack:
Honestly, we love everything about it. My eight-year old would rather pop on his headphones and listen to Mr. Demme (his absolute favorite math teacher) on his laptop than for me to pop in the lesson DVD for him to watch. Along with preferring the online lessons, he also prefers using the digital manipulatives. He has a touch-screen laptop which is perfect for moving the manipulatives around and he’s working through problems. Don’t get me wrong, he still pulls out the blocks on occasion, but for the most part he just prefers the digital.
I really love that I don’t have to pull out a teacher’s book to check his answers, or to help him if he has a problem, everything is readily available for me to use online and it’s perfect. As you can see from the screen shot below, the video that he would watch is there, and to the right is the digital manipulatives. On the same page is the lesson solutions and test solutions.
What are my thoughts on the universal pack:
It’s great as well. Bascially it comes down to the type of learning you prefer. Do you prefer having the ability to watch the videos on the computer or tablet, or are you fine with putting in a dvd? Would you rather have the physical manipulatives at hand, or do you find your child would benefit just fine with the digital manipulatives? Do I think the physical manipulatives are worth it? Completely! As I mentioned earlier, my son still pulls them out on occasion and we will work through problems together. Also, we already know we are going to use Math-U-See next year with both my boys (yes, we love it that much), and I know my upcoming 1st grader is going to want to use the physical manipulatives for his learning, while his older brother is going to prefer the digital.
How do we use it?
At the first of each lesson my son watches the video and then completes one worksheet. The worksheets don’t have tons of problems, but the lessons are repetitive which is what’s so great about them. Some lessons he only has to do one worksheet and he’s got it, but there are others where we have to do all the worksheets in the lesson. When he can teach me what he has learned, then it’s time to move to the next lesson. Not only does this show me that he truly is learning the process, but I really feel it boosts his confidence. Here is he..teaching me how to do math. While he is teaching me how to do it, I always ask questions as if I’m not sure. This encourages him even more.
Will I purchase the digital pack in the future?
Yes we will. We are already planning next years curriculum and I will be purchasing student workbooks for both of my boys and then the digital packs. I am completely sold on the ease of use and that it doesn’t take up additional space.
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