I Am Albert Einstein

albert einstein1This past week we have learned about Albert Einstein.  One of the books we have used during out studies is the, I Am Albert Einstein book. This is one of the many awesome books in the Ordinary People Change the World series.  

About the book:i am albert einstein

Even when he was a kid, Albert Einstein did things his own way.  He thought i pictures instead of words, and his special way of thinking helped him understand big ideas like the structure of music and why a compass always points north.  Those ideas made him want to keep figuring out the secrets of the universe.  Other people thought he was just a dreamer, but because of his curiosity, Einstein grew up to be one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known.

 Our Activities:

We did a few fun activities for this study.  When we read in the book how Albert enjoyed building block and card houses, the challenge was on.  They first pulled out the blocks to see what all they could accomplish.  Here are a few of their creations:block building1

We also pulled out the cards. They didn’t have a lot of luck with building a tower with the cards, but even the big kids needed to join in on this fun to see if they could do it.card challengeThe book also said how Albert loved his compass and would take it on adventures.  That was perfect for us. We love heading out in the woods, so the boys were quick to grab a compass and head out.outdoors

Along with these activities, we also decided to make a little Einstein using toilet paper rolls.  We are slowly using up the huge collection my eight-year old has under his bathroom sink.albert6This is a super easy craft.  The supplies needed are:
toilet paper roll
white construction paper
black marker
glue stick/school glue

You first measure your construction paper to know where to cut it.  Once cut, place glue on the back and wrap it around the toilet paper roll.  Once that’s dry, put a little glue on his face to hold on his mustache and then I used school glue around the top of the toilet paper roll to help secure the hair.  That was it.

While obviously I knew who Albert Einstein is, I never really studied his life. I can honestly say that I even learned something with this current study along with my boys.  This is a book series that we highly recommend!!

Be sure to check out our other unit studies for Ordinary People Change The World

Rosa Parks
Amelia Earhart
Martin Luther King Jr.
Abraham Lincoln 
Lucille Ball
Helen Keller

Like what you see? Don’t forget to head over to HERE and enter for a chance to WIN this entire series!!



Permanent link to this article: https://astheygrowup.com/i-am-albert-einstein/

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