Title: Jesus is Born
Author: Sophie Piper
Illustrator: Anne Yvonne Gilbert
Publisher: Good Books
Publication Date: October 4, 2016
Genre/Format: Picture Book
Grade Range: Preschool-3
No story is more beloved—or more often told—than the story of the first Christmas, when Jesus was born. In text that echoes the language of the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, Jesus Is Born tells the entire story of the nativity, from the angel Gabriel’s awe-inspiring message to the Virgin Mary to the miraculous birth of Christ in a lowly manger in Bethlehem; from the luminous star that led shepherds and three wise men to the newborn king to King Herod’s terrible threat and God’s promise to keep Jesus, Mary, and Joseph safe. A timeless and complete retelling of the tale, Jesus Is Born is the perfect introduction to the story at the heart of Christmas.
The good news of Jesus’s birth is brought to life in this instant classic. With illustrations full of detail and emotion from one of the world’s most celebrated artists, Jesus Is Born will be treasured by parents and children alike.
My Thoughts:
Can one every have too many Christmas books? In my opinion the answer to this is no. Jesus is Born has been an amazing addition to our Christmas collection. The illustrations that fill every page of this book are absolutely stunning. Not only have I enjoyed reading this book, but both of my boys have as well. It’s written in a way that’s perfect for all ages.
Jesus is Born can be found at your local book retailer or online at stores like Amazon.