Jim Henson’s Enchanted Sisters Book

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Are you celebrating Get Caught Reading Month? I read daily with my boys but this is a great way to celebrate and encourage kids to get involved by reading magazines and books.  With summer around the corner, we are already looking for awesome summer reading books to keep their imagination going!

get caught
The Get Caught Reading Campaign isn’t just for kids! It’s devised by the AAP to remind kids and adults just how much fun it is to read. To participate you aren’t required to read a novel, but read what you enjoy. Books and Magazines are a great way to share the fun of reading with children. My kids love when we set down and read their magazines just as much as when we set down and read a book together!

To celebrate this awesome campaign, The Jim Henson Company teamed up with Bloomsbury Children’s publishing and gave us the opportunity to review their newest book release, Enchanted Sisters: Summer’s Friendship Games.

Enchanted Sisters

 If you aren’t familiar with Enchanted Sisters, it’s a book series that targets newly independent readers-girls ages 7-9.  It tells stories of the four Sparkle sisters: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.  These girls come together every three months to join their Mother Nature in a ceremony that changes the seasons in our world.

Their world is magically different from our own, yet the Sparkles can completely relate.  They are confidently themselves, even when that’s the hardest thing to be.  This book shows how strong girls can be by making bold choices and by embracing and celebrating their differences which is a great message to send out to kids!

bookbackIn Enchanted Sisters: Summer’s Friendship Games, Summer has always secretly enjoyed hanging out with Thunderbolt, one of the mischievous Weeds who bring disaster and mayhem everywhere they go.  Sure, the Weeds have acted poorly in the past, but they cant all be bad…right? Summer’s sisters couldn’t disagree with her more-especially after the boys ruin Summer’s bonfire party.  When the two teams of magical siblings are encouraged by Mother Nature and Bluster Tempest to settle their disagreements in a series of competitive sports.  Summer and Thunderbolt are forced to stop talking.  But is winning and siding with their siblings really worth ruining their friendship??

We thought this was a fun book to read and enjoyed every second of it.  We are definitely going to have to check out the other books in this series. The Enchanted Sisters: Summer’s Friendship Games is currently available for $15.99 (Hardback).

A copy of The Enchanted Sisters: Summer’s Friendship Games
Enchanted Sisters




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