What to do when the weather is too humid to go outside for longer than 30 minutes at a time? Play games in the house of course, and I’m not talking about video games. My boys love playing card/board games and I love spending that time with them. Games aren’t just for at home though, we also take a variety when we car camp as well.
Recently we had the chance to try out two new games from Marbles The Brain Store and they were both a HUGE hit. One of the games we tried is called Sock Puppet Charades. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard playing charades as I did when we were playing this game. To watch the kids and even adults try to act out words using sock puppets gets pretty interesting! They do have props included that you can use with the puppet, but it’s still a challenge. I opted to not keep score since I know my kids can get pretty competitive, and we still had a blast!
The recommended age for the Sock Puppet Charades is 8+, but my 4-year-old was able to do it just fine. If it were a keep score game we played then he probably wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much, but as I mentioned we opted to not keep scores when the younger ones playing.
- Two Sock Puppets
- One 60-second sand timer
- a bag of props (one blue cloth, a circular piece, a large square, a small square, a glass piece, a dowel, a small spool, and a yellow pipe cleaner)
- One score pad
- 200 Charades cards
Sock Puppet Charades can be purchased for $19.99.