Online Christian Filmmakers Academy

 Online Christian Filmmakers Academy {Family Gravity Media}
Thanks to the Homeschool Review Crew, my son has been learning all about filmmaking with Online Christian Filmmakers Academy from Family Gravity Media, a division of Families For Christ Ministries, Inc.

From the time I heard about this review opportunity, I had a feeling it would appeal to my son since we have a YouTube channel that we post daily, and he’s always had an interest in film. More than not, I’ll find him behind the camera capturing the moments that are happening around him.

Online Christian Filmmakers Academy:

Online Christian Filmmakers Academy is a father and son run business. Having worked together in the filmmaking industry for many years, they have produced their Online Christian Filmmakers Academy as a wonderful alternative to the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers’ camp that they run each summer. 

Online Christian Filmmakers Academy {Family Gravity Media}
I really love that this online course is designed so that students can work at their own pace. It features five modules and includes bonus documents, templates, insider interviews, and quizzes. They are also always working to develop and add new content throughout the courses.

The five modules that you’ll cover as part of this course are:

• The Camera
• Cinematography and Lighting
• Sound
• Pre-Production
• Production

Using the program:

We use this program four days a week and let me say that Davis looks forward to it daily. In the first module, both Davis and I learned all about the different types of cameras and lens. While I have always had a variety of lenses for my DSLR, I found this to be particularly helpful with doing our daily videos. We learned which of our lenses were the best option depending on the type of filming we are doing. Each module ends with a quiz that’s checked to see if you have learned the information that has been provided in the module. We are currently on Module 2 and continuing to love every minute of it.

Our thoughts:

So far, we have been very pleased with the course. Davis and I do this course together and he loves learning more every day, and as a mom, I love that this is a Christian company that is teaching him to use his talent to honor God. Online Christian Filmmakers Academy has exceeded my expectations and we look forward to completing the course.dsc_0083

While they used a Canon DSLR for a lot of the video, there was a comment/question section under each film. This was a great way to ask a question should you use a different DSLR like our family. I have always used Nikon personally, but they were very quick to reply to any questions or comments that were left after each section. While this is a course that you can do at your own pace, they are truly there to help and guide you along the way.

To learn more about the Online Christian Filmmakers Academy, be sure to check them out online. The course costs $299 for a full year of access and right now you can save $100 by using the discount code FALLCREW16 through November 30, 2016. How awesome is that?


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