Title:The Very Fluffy Kitty, Papillon Author: A.N. Kang Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Publication Date: September 6, 2016 Genre/Format: Picture Book Age Range: 3-7
The Lord’s Prayer: Words of Hope and Happiness
Title: The Lord’s Prayer Author: Rick Warren Illustrator: Richard Jesse Watson Publisher: Zonderkidz Publication Date: November 1, 2016 Genre/Format: Picture Book Age Range: 3-7
“Say it with Krusteaz” Fall Baking
Did you know that a pumpkin is considered a fruit? Until recently, I have grouped it together with veggies. That was until I started researching it more in-depth for one of our homeschool projects. However, be it classified as a fruit or veggie, it’s one of the most loved treats this time of year. Everyone …
Ada’s Ideas: The Story of Ada Lovelace, the World’s First Computer Programmer
Title: Ada’s Ideas Author: Fiona Robinson Illustrator: Fiona Robinson Publisher: Harry N. Abrams Publication Date: August 2, 2016 Genre/Format: Picture Book Age Range: 6-9
The Secrets To Ruling School: Class Election
Title: The Secrets to Ruling School: Class Election Author: Neil Swaab Publisher: Amulet Books Publication Date: September 16, 2016 Genre/Format: Humor/Comics & Graphic Novels Age Range: 10-14 (Grads 5-9)
LeapFrog: Melody The Musical Turtle Review
We have been fans of Leapfrog for many, many years and recently we had the opportunity to check out Melody the Musical Turtle. Melody is a decent size toy that’s designed for ages two and up. With music and memory games, it’s sure to delight the youngest of ages.
Our Tour of BRMEMC
This week’s field trip was to take a tour of BRMEMC. There the kids took a tour of the entire facility and learned what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to providing power to the area. They had the opportunity to asks all the questions they wanted, and in the end took a …
Homeschool Legacy: Cooking Up History With The Founding Presidents Review
First off I have to say what an amazing year it has been to be part of the Homeschool Review Crew. With that being said, I couldn’t think of a better product to wrap-up the 2016 year than Cooking Up History With The Founding Presidents, a Once-a-Week Micro Studies from Homeschool Legacy. As They Grow …
Cold-Case Christianity For Kids
Title: Cold-Case Christianity For Kids Author: J. Warner Wallace Author: Susie Wallace Publisher: David C. Cook Publication Date: October 1, 2016 Genre/Format: Picture Book Age Range: 3-7
Bright Ideas Press: Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space
When looking for a science curriculum, finding one that I can use with both of my boys is a priority. While the thought of teaching them different topics sounds amazing, in reality I know this simply isn’t possible. We have attempted this in the past and honestly, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Bringing Science Into The Kitchen
As most of you know, we have been using Bright Ideas Press Christian Kids Explore Earth And Space. This is an amazing program that’s designed so that I can teach both boys from the same curriculum, which I love! It also is filled with additional learning and one of those is the ability to take …
Middlebury Interactive Languages Elementary Spanish 1 Grades K-2
I have wanted to add a foreign language into our homeschool for some time now but just haven’t found a resource that seemed to really fit our family. With both boys curious about learning to speak Spanish, I wanted to find a program that they would both be able to do and learn from it. …
Jesus: A 365-Day Devotional
Title: Jesus: A 365-Day Devotional Author: Zondervan Publisher: Zonderkidz Publication Date: October 4, 2016 Genre/Format: Christianity Age Range: 8-12 (Grades 3-7)
Disguise LEGO Prestige Costume Review
Can you believe Halloween is just around the corner? I’m not sure where the time went, but just a few days ago it hit me that I had yet to get Halloween Costumes for the boys. While not a huge deal, we do have some fun Halloween activities coming up all week long. Disguise LEGO …
Why Read Ursula Vernon’s RATPUNZEL?
Title: Ratpunzel Author: Ursula Vernon Publisher: Dial Books Publication Date: October 18, 2016 Genre/Format: Children’s Graphic Novel Age Range: 8-12 (Grades 3-7)