Project Mc2 Lie Detector Review

Last year Project Mc2 premiered on Netflix.  My kids immediately started watching this show.  It’s centered around teenage spy, McKeyla who teams up with three other super-smart girls to become secret agents.  They use their science skills and tech skills to save the say.  

Recently they have released some really cool products to go along with their show.  Today I have to share with you the Project Mc2 Lie Detector.  Mc2 lie detector

About Mc2 Lie Detector:
Discover who’s telling the truth and who’s lying, just like tech genius, Bryden Bandweth™. Recreate the scene from the Netflix original series! Prank your friends and family!

Product includes:
• Lie detector, disguised as a mint box with a hidden button to force a truth or lie
• Equipped with indicator light and sounds
• Neon-colored wires with finger clips
• Ages: 6+ years

Our Thoughts:

The Mc2 Lie Detector is one of my five-year old’s favorites.  What better way to discover is someone is lying, than to give them a test, right? Now  you must remember that this is a toy and it isn’t a real lie detector, but my boys have had a blast with it.  What’s fun is they determine if the person is telling the truth or lying by pressing the buttons on the side.  They didn’t know that when we first received the Mc2 Lie Detector, so my husband and I had so much fun with them.  Now that they know the trick, they love pulling it out on unsuspecting company.mc2

Sure, it’s girl colors, but that didn’t stop my boys from enjoying it one bit. They have always been into spy gear, so why not use this as well since it is from one of our favorite series.

Picking Up S.T.E.A.M.
When someone lies, his or her body often produces small reactions from being nervous or stressed. One of those reactions is a small release of sweat. That moisture increases the skin’s electrical conductivity, or galvanic skin response, and the lie detector reads it as a fib. That’s why the lie detector’s clips go on the fingers, because there are lots of sweat glands in your hands!

Where can I find it and how much?
You can find the MC2 Lie Detector at store Nationwide (Target, Amazon, etc).  They have a $14.99 SRP.



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