Reasons I Love Homeschooling

When reaching this part of the year, homeschool moms can at times start questioning why they chose to homeschool in the first place. As a homeschool mom I know there are a lot of reasons why i love homeschooling, but there are times when I have to remind myself. Here are a few things that I love about homeschooling.

Reasons I Love Homeschooling

The time I get to spend with my kids

This one is the most important reason for me. And when I say spending time with kids, I don’t mean just me. My husband also gets to spend time with them when he gets off work because they aren’t stuck at a table doing homework. Being a mom that’s been on both sides (public school & homeschool), I feel beyond blessed to be able to spend my entire day with my kids, and that my husband has that extra time with them in the evenings. Don’t get me wrong, we have our days for sure but I wouldn’t change my decision for the world.

Being able to choose our curriculum

I love having the freedom to pick what curriculum we use in our homeschool. Our decision is to used a faith-based curriculum in our home, and this is not something that would be available in public school. Being able to change out a curriculum that not working for one of my boys for one reason or another is amazing. Everyone learns differently, so being able to use a curriculum that works with your child is pretty amazing.

Those “aha” moments

These moments remind me just how blessed I am to be able to homeschool my children. Those times when we spend hours working on something, or even months and then it finally clicks! The excitement and the look on their face when they finally get it is just irreplaceable. Hands down one of my favorite about homeschooling.


I love being able to pick the times and locations that we homeschool. If we have a doctor appointment one morning, then we simply start school when we get back home. When we decide to take a vacation in September, then we can take a vacation. If it’s a beautiful day, we may choose to head outdoors with our books, or take a nature walk, or even decide to take an extended lunch and enjoy a picnic. Don’t get me wrong, we do have to keep up with our attendance, but we still have that flexibility that we wouldn’t get when it comes to a traditional school setting.

Teaching the Bible

I love that I can have prayer in our homeschool, that we can read the Bible and talk about God. I love that I can teach our science based on creation and that I can talk about how our country is founded on Christian belief.

Field Trips

We love field trips and try to go on at least two a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the weather. I love giving them the opportunity for hands-on learning and experiencing things. Sometimes the field trips are just the boys and I, but more so than not, we make it a family outing. We also love heading on field trips with our homeschool group.

Raising Individuals

This may be the last one on my list but it doesn’t by any means show that it isn’t as important as the first. I love that they are able to be themselves and not have to worry about what’s considered to the be “norm”. I love that I am raising free-thinkers that aren’t afraid to be themselves.

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